39 responses to “Tips for Minor Comic Book Characters

  1. I love #2—Never date a supervillian. For all their charisma, power and (inevitably) good looks, there’s far too much narcissism required to go into that field of work to be good for a relationship. <—-I think narcissism is a problem even among ordinary humans—can you imagine how dangerous and annoying that would be when a supervillian possesses that trait!!?! 😮

    Congrats on being FP!

    • Thanks! It’s something of a surprise, I must say. And let me tell you, with a home-grown supervillain spending a lot of time running around in the back of my head, I’ve gotten a closer than normal look at what they’re like- and it’s not pretty. I kind of wonder how any of them can get dates in the first place…

    • Obviously, this involves a lot of Genre Savvy and more than a little breaking of the Fourth Wall. But since you’d have to have that to have read these tips in the first place, I hope we can take that as a given. 😉

      • Related question: what if, and I’m spit-balling here, what if you’re the type of hep cat spandex wearing mofo who follows nobody’s rules but their own and sometimes not even those?

        BUT, and here’s the kicker, you’re too gregarious to be a loner.

        So (finally) the question: does this mean you have to be Robin in the Clooney batman film? Because his costume is rubbish.

      • Not all superheroes are the main character in a comic. You might just be the occasional guest hero, who shows up from time to time to remind readers that the main character lives in a world bigger than what they see. Or you could be the comic relief hero, or the philosopher hero, kind of like Beast from X-men.

  2. When I went to Comicon in San Diego this year, I was really surprised how the actual side of comic and comic books section seemed to be smaller. Why do you think this was?

    • I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask that question, I’ve never been to a ComicCon (San Diego or otherwise.) My guess would be, either other forms of merchandising were better represented or the folks in San Diego are pushing to reach more segments of geek culture. But then, what do I know? I’m more a casual fan of comics than a serious expert…

  3. If you have a loose cannon hero, I would say being his/her lawyer and professionally responsible friend can be a good spot to settle down in.
    In this case you keep your head out of dodge, but you make your hero’s actions legitimate. Falls in line with #3, #8 and #10 hahah

    • Good call. Comic book lawyers seem to be either scum bags or wealthy people of good sense – and they all drive great cars. As long as you can be more the second than the first, it sounds like a sweet gig.

  4. Ha-ha love it. I especially like number ten about investing in bad guy schemes. I’d add that there’s the bonus of knowing when to sell all stock and assets, as you know when the Hero is about to bust it all wide open.

  5. Great post! Also consider the costume, if you are going to wear one. Make sure to be catchy enough to get some pagetime, but don’t outdo the main protagonist. Being blacklisted by the star will be sure to get keep you out of future issues.

    • Or, you could cleverly plan to be the better dressed out of costume. Whether you’re hipper, have a better sense of fashion or can just afford better clothing, you can probably find some way to shine without, you know, outshining the hero. 😉

  6. I loved this entire post! I’m a huge huge huuuuuuge fan of Batman who likes to incorporate Batman into my everyday life if I can 😛 My baking/travel blog even is all decked out with Batman-inspired original graphics 😀

  7. To no.3 I ‘d add, be mindful of your attire and demeanor. Kinda sticky if you generate that sort of “boy wonder” suspicion. 😛

  8. I would add that if you are a single parent, keep your child home on “meet a superhero” day at school or camp. The hero will surely feel for your spunky, adorable but attention-starved child. Then of course, will fall for your working-yourself-to-the-bone self. And then we’re right back at #1. Plus your kid will most likely get kidnapped by supervillians. Or discover that he/she has latent super powers, which is even more worry for an already over-worked parent. Just keep them home…

    • Another excellent suggestion. Even if your child never makes a direct connection with the superhero, public gatherings where a superhero is going to appear are just asking for trouble.

  9. As a minor character, should I avoid animals that are the results of science experiments, like radioactive spiders, man-alligator hybrids? I was thinking of adopting a genetically enhanced gorilla, but I might reconsider it, based on your list.

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